June 03, 2012

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If you're serious about getting into b-school...

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It felt like the odds were against me for getting into business school, especially with an unconventional background, inconsistent career history, lower GMAT score, unemployment gap, questionable letters of recommendation, etc. Yet, Tyler @ Tyler Cormney Consulting was able to help me tell a cohesive story that really seemed to represent who I was and not some cookie-cutter applicant. This story not only gave me a clear direction for my essays but also thoroughly prepared me for my interviews and my resume. After meeting Tyler, my doubts of getting into b-school quickly faded.

Tyler’s gift goes beyond story-telling. He’s an incredible coach.

•Tyler is committed to your success. I was up against very tight deadlines, throwing last minute curve balls at Tyler, yet he managed to squeeze in multiple revisions for my essays even when he was probably slammed with dozens of other essays. Even when you’re not in a meeting with him, you know Tyler is looking out for you. Knowing my MBA focus was social entrepreneurship, Tyler sent me a relevant HBR article to give me inspiration while I wrote my essays. And when I’d send emails with various b-school questions, Tyler would immediately reply with great advice. He truly does care.

•He’ll push you to the very end. When I got waitlisted at my dream school, Tyler stuck with me and walked me through the next steps. Even when I didn’t want to retake the GMAT, he highly encouraged me to go for it—and thank goodness because I scored 50 points higher. While going through the essay writing process, there were times when I would get sick of looking at my essays, but our conversations would refuel me with better ideas that kept me going. And that’s just what you’ll need during this demanding (yet incredibly rewarding) process. I got off the waitlist-- RESULT--> in at my DREAM SCHOOL!

•He’ll keep you accountable and on target each step of the way. We didn’t waste any time. Our conversations were very focused. At the end of each meeting, Tyler told me what to prepare for the next meeting so as to keep on track with all the things that I needed to get done in the short amount of time I had. It’s a miracle I got everything done on time, especially since I started late.

•His feedback is very thorough. Essay revisions went beyond grammar and spell-check. Tyler gave dozens of comments suggesting new ideas on how to improve a sentence/paragraph. I knew that Tyler was really reading my essays, not just proofing them.

•Last, but definitely not least, as a great coach, Tyler saw me for me. When I began looking for an admissions consultant, I had spoken to several of the larger consulting firms, and their reps told me that I would need to tweak my background because it did not “fit” in with the other applicants. After hearing my story and reading my profile, Tyler told me that I had a unique voice, and that I should keep it, not change it. That’s when I knew I had found the right person. He doesn’t need to “tweak” or create some fake persona for your application because he really hears you.

I can’t say enough good things about MBA Prep School. This series is incredibly organized and well thought-out. If you don’t have the resources to spend on getting individualized time with Tyler, I would say that this is the next best thing. Trust me, I read quite a few b-school application books, but none compare to the thoroughness and thoughtfulness of what is required to get a stellar application together. Most importantly, MBA Prep School will help you find your own answers to WHY an MBA and carefully map your career aspirations. I thought I had these down before I started the MBA Prep School videos and exercises, but after watching the videos and doing some of the exercises, my answers grew clearer.

Result: Accepted to my DREAM school and 2 others. Couldn’t be happier!

T- I don’t know how I would have done it without you. Thank you.

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