April 22, 2019

Joined: Feb 10, 2018

Posts: 7

Kudos: 3

Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V40

Excellent resource


Improvement 130 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Instructor Rajat Sadana

Location Online

My GMAT Journey was extremely long and hard but e-gmat was a very valuable resource for me. The videos are extremely well done and the way the platform is build makes it easy to follow the course very smoothly. I also used the live webinars that were incredibly helpful in both Quant and Verbal.
In Quant the problems are sometimes too difficult and could make you feel that you are not making progress, but if you keep your head focused and try to understand what you did wrong, they will help you improve significantly.
In verbal, the strategies that they use to teach each section are very logical and efficient. You need to spend some extra time at first but it will definitely pay-off.
I will recommend e-gmat to everyone without any doubt.

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