February 23, 2015

Joined: Nov 19, 2014

Posts: 7

Kudos: 5

I used the essay editing service from The reason is simple – they not only check your grammatical errors but also look at your essay theme (whether you are answering the questions). This is important to me because what I wrote sometimes is not what the school is looking for. Cindy Tokumitsu was extremely helpful during the whole editing process, and her turnaround time was always within 2 days.

Additionally, on a personal note, I learnt how to write attractive essays from observing my essays being transformed from the first draft to the final version. The lesson is invaluable.

I applied to only two schools – Booth and Kellogg (PT programs), and both schools accepted me! I know I was not able to achieve such results without Cindy’s help.

I would recommend to anyone the essay editing service from

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