Tyler Cormney Reviews

Company: MBAPrepSchool

Tyler is an experienced MBA admissions consultant and is a co-founder of MBA Prep School. You can get a detailed profile evaluation by completing this form.

He started his admissions consulting career in 2006 with one of the leading firms in the field and has coached over 100 MBA applicants.He is the co-author of How to Apply for an MBA, the essential guide to earning an acceptance letter from the world’s best business schools. He has also authored a “how-to” guide on admissions consulting used extensively by top admissions coaches and has published five guides on MBA essay strategies.

In addition to helping his clients prepare for success in the MBA admissions process, Tyler has worked as an independent strategy consultant for clients ranging from high-tech start-ups to Fortune 500 market leaders. He was a manager in Strategic Planning and Business Development at PeopleSoft, and started his career as a consultant in Arthur Andersen’s Business Consulting Services group, working in the US, Europe, Asia, Australia, and the Middle East.

Tyler holds a Harvard MBA, a Master’s in Professional Writing from the University of Southern California, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Honors Business from the University of Texas at Austin.

5.0 /5 Average Rating
Based on 43 reviews
September 25, 2016

Joined: Dec 17, 2014

Posts: 2

Kudos: 5

A fantastic experience and a great investment

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I worked with Tyler Cormney on four separate school applications to top-5 programs. I was admitted into two schools, both of which offered scholarships, and I have no doubt that Tyler's understanding of the nuances of business school admissions was what earned me those scholarships. For starters, I consider Tyler's services one of the greatest investments I have ever made.

However, I gained much more from working with Tyler than admission and scholarship money. Tyler is exceptionally sharp, and one of his most valuable abilities is to piece together experiences that you share with him to paint a complete picture. He is so good at doing this that I can almost guarantee that you will learn something about yourself by working with Tyler that you didn't know before. Maybe you hadn't connected the dots, maybe you hadn't thought about your own experiences from someone else's perspective, or maybe you had forgotten things. Tyler helped me perform a performance review of my life, and I emerged much more knowledgeable about who I am and what I am good at. This is the real goldmine that will help take me where I want to go. Admittance is only the beginning.

I have already recommended Tyler to several friends, and I urge everyone to consider hiring Tyler. The service could pay for itself many times over, and you will emerge from the experience more knowledgeable about yourself.

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June 13, 2016

Joined: Jun 13, 2016

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To be the best - work with the very best

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I saw Tyler as a coach and less as a consultant, and our interaction also reflected that.

I was unsure on grad school and MBA, until a bunch of my Stanford Alumnus friends (GSB mostly) convinced me that Stanford is the right next step for me, a few visits to the school and dropping in on few classes had me convinced.

This was late November with a deadline in January. With 6 weeks to go, I got Tyler's reference from one of the Stanford Alumnus who had played a big role in making the decision in the first place.

Coming back to Tyler, he is the best coach one could ask for when applying to the best and the most selective business school - Stanford GSB. I will write below 3 short stories that make Tyler the best coach for this job

1) He is introspective: He doesn't try to "game" the system. He acts as a coach, he spent 4-5 hours going through my life-story, giving me hours of homework to reflect and categorize my life experience and we did this until we found a very compelling, true and unique life story.

He is really helps you introspect, he has custom built tools, videos and other material which makes this very very easy and provides a guided framework for this process. By the end, one is able to articulate an honest, unique and compelling story of your life.

2. Once we had the life story, it was time to look into the future. I had a very immediate vision of my career: To do this, reach this goal and impact X in the world. But like a good coach, he kept pushing me further at my own pace, one nudge at a time until I was able to fully comprehend the big vision he saw for me. At this point, I told him "Forget this business school thing, I want you to be my life coach for life".

The first two steps took 3 weeks almost or a few days over, but was very worth it. He heard me patiently, asked deep questions, made me introspect and helped me arrive at my own answers.

3. Once he helped me find and define the vision for my life journey, he got down to nuts and bolts. He is very good at maintaining the essence and removing the fluff. We might think various things are important to our essay ( that NGO experience, that international stint, that marathon I ran for charity etc), but he is able to weed the fluff out and help us keep the essays to their true essence.

These 2-3 weeks of essay writing can be frustrating as you keep trying to be verbose or include trivial details, which Tyler will mercilessly cut out till you have the best version of yourself.

He is an amazing coach and an artist who is at the peak of his art-form. By the end, everyone who read my essay ( 12+ people; half of them Stanford Alums) before submitting was 100% sure that I will get a Stanford call and Tyler said "Stanford is the Olympics, the best of the best run, I think we have prepared you to the very best and I can't promise anymore".

I did get a Stanford call, he did send me his tools to prepare for an interview and we had a wonderful 1 hour chat before the interview and he helped me pick my suit.

Needless to say, he was a great person to have as my coach for this endeavor and is a testament to my belief, that if you want to be the best - you have to surround yourself with the very best.

He definitely is the very best in what he does. My advice to you - go to him as a coach to learn and improve your story rather than as a consultant to solve a problem.

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June 13, 2016

Joined: Jun 13, 2016

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Tyler helped me got into 6 top-tier schools in one round!

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I would highly recommend Tyler as an MBA consultant. With Tyler’s expertise and support, I had the privilege of receiving acceptances from 6 schools, including MIT, Wharton, Booth (with scholarship), Kellogg, Columbia, and Haas in round one!

Prior to working with Tyler, I conducted research online and spoke to various consulting firms. Immediately after an hour-long conversation with Chris (another cofounder), I knew that MBA Prep School was exactly what I was looking for. Chris offered me solid advice on traits I should feature to different schools, insights on various MBA programs, and consultants I could potentially work with. I picked Tyler because I was looking for an experienced, professional consultant with a solid track record.

Tyler and I began our work in June. We first set out schedules of the list of items needed to be completed for each school. MBA Prep School prepared abundant online content for me to review, including writing techniques and school research, enabling me to be well-prepared for essay writing and weekly discussion with my consultant. As my past experiences were not all related, Tyler proposed creative ideas on how I could connect my experiences and tie them to my short-and long-term goals. In addition, he was an excellent writer who knew exactly how I could best tailor my essays to different schools. With his dedication and fast turnaround (within 48 hours), I was able to complete 8 applications in just one round!

The interview portion was relatively easy, as most of my responses were extracted from my application. MBA Prep School offered a group interview preparation for my Wharton interview, allowing me to practice in a setting that resembled the actual interview. Tyler could not have been more helpful along the way; he was always responsive to my questions and concerns and was able to provide constructive feedback.

I am extremely thankful for the support I received from Tyler and the MBA Prep School team throughout the process! They gave me a lot of courage to pursue an MBA at a top-tier school. You can’t go wrong working with Tyler!

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June 05, 2016

Joined: Jun 05, 2016

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
650 Q44 V35

GMAT below 700? No problem: Booth, Columbia, Haas


I chose Tyler Cormney based on the great reviews on this website, and it was the by far the smartest decision during my application. In short, Tyler will give you the best chance to get into the best MBA program based on your ability. He would never miss a deadline or appointment, for example, his commitment is to review and comment on any documents within 48 hours, but you should not be surprised if you get it back much earlier than that especially if your deadline is just around the corner; it is safe to say that he tends to under-promise and over-deliver.

Tyler helped to streamline my career story and gave me step-by-step instructions and deadlines which were critical given my tight deadline. He had great suggestions on what to include and more importantly what not to include in my essays. Based on his guidance my essays were streamlined to ensure that only my unique attributes and strengths were the focal point, instead of a long list of accomplishments. Additionally, I had a mock interview with him and discussed school specific issues that helped me to not only increase my self-confidence, but also to prepare for over 90% of the interview questions up-front.

I took my GMAT tests in December and January and the application deadlines were in February and March while I was working 60+ hours per week; thus, I really needed professional help to maximize my time and chances (my GMAT was below 700). I was in touch with Tyler on a daily basis, read through all materials, watched the proprietary MBA application videos he created for MBA Prep School, and scheduled weekly Skype video calls with him. In the end, I applied to Booth, Columbia, and Haas, and all three schools gave me an offer. I couldn’t have done it without Tyler’s help!

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May 22, 2016

Joined: May 22, 2016

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Best decision and investment to go with Tyler!

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Coming from a non-traditional background, I felt pretty overwhelmed by the whole MBA application process, and was initially hesitant to get any type of consulting help. Looking back now however, getting Tyler's help was the best investment I could've made.

Throughout the several months process, Tyler coached me on how best to share my story in a way that stuck true to who I am and where I want to go, while simultaneously keeping me organized/on track and even growing my writing skills. On top of that, I truly feel that I now know myself better both personally and professionally, beyond just for MBA applications, and have a strong idea of where I would like to go next. He is extremely insightful, knowledgeable and personable, and his vast experience in both MBA admissions and creative writing was invaluable to me as he helped me see how exactly the different bits and pieces of my story connected together in a coherent way. Additionally, he is extremely responsive and always willing to talk/answer any (big or small) questions along the way, which is incredibly helpful during such a stressful period.

I would highly recommend going with Tyler Cormney. There are a lot of components involved in the MBA application process (resume, scores, essays, recommendation letters, interviews), and working with Tyler put me at ease in knowing that I wasn't going to overlook anything, and that my final application package would give the very best representation of me. I cannot thank Tyler enough for all his guidance and support.

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May 21, 2016

Joined: May 28, 2015

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Kudos: 5

Verified GMAT Classic score:
700 Q44 V41

Harvard says “YES”!


I am admitted to HBS!
Thank you for your support, counsel, and commitment, Tyler Cormney!

What I liked most about Tyler’s approach to MBA consulting was that it was structured from beginning to end. He started by gaining an understanding of all aspects of my profile and helped me to identify the strongest messages to create my very personal, one-of-a-kind application. Additionally, his video lessons were great, allowing us to make the best use of our live sessions.

Tyler’s commitment was remarkable: he would not give up until every point in my application was perfect – a truly hard working perfectionist!

Finally, Tyler is incredibly patient, supportive, and positive. He would recognize when I struggled in-between applications and offer a constructive break. I never felt that he was rushing through our materials, thinking about deadlines or how much time we were spending on the project.

Working with Tyler was an invaluable decision I made during my application process.

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May 17, 2016

Joined: Dec 19, 2015

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Verified GMAT Classic score:
710 Q48 V39

Hands-down, my best decision working with Tyler


Working with Tyler was the best decision I made while going through the MBA application process. With Tyler's help, I will be attending my top choice school at HBS this upcoming Fall!
Background: I was referred to Tyler by a friend and I signed up for a package for a handful of schools. After a short phone call introduction, I could tell that Tyler was extremely qualified as an MBA consultant (an MBA from HBS and a Master's in Professional Writing from USC), but more importantly, that Tyler would be someone I could trust and easily relate with while navigating the stressful MBA application process.
Process: I applied Round 1 and we started off early on in June and immediately Tyler and I began working on my business school profile. I think what Tyler does best is help you craft your own story while still remaining genuine and true to who you are. It's really about getting to the core of who you are as a person and that's what business schools really care about.
After we had the groundwork laid out, we started getting to work on the application materials like resume, recommendations, essays, etc. Tyler is very knowledgeable in these areas and can help answer any questions you have and provide invaluable guidance. It’s tricky figuring out who to ask for your recommendations, how to ask them, and how to follow up with them – these are aspects that Tyler can really help out with. Finally, when it comes to writing the dreaded essays, Tyler is great at helping you brainstorm key ideas that fit into your overall application narrative and he really helps you boil those high level ideas down into a simple, yet elegant essay. Writing the essays is really tough and it is vital to be able to speak with someone who knows the best strategies for approaching them and can help you tailor the essays according to your personal narrative.
Tyler can also offer ancillary services when it comes to preparing for your interview, etc. and can leverage other consultants at MBAPrepSchool to provide a fresh perspective on anything. This is very unique and quite helpful.
Finally, I’d like to mention that Tyler is extremely personable and patient, which is very important because you feel comfortable asking him any question – no matter how stupid it might be! You can only imagine how much time and brain-damage it saves knowing that you can go to someone who can give you expert advice on the admissions process! Working with Tyler was the best decision I made throughout the entire MBA admissions process and I recommend his services without reservation.

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May 16, 2016

Joined: May 16, 2016

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Wonderful Experience Working with Tyler Cormney!!!

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Tyler is amazing and one of the best investments I ever made!!! I was referred to him by my good friend who had the best things to say (and who got into Booth and Sloan) and I never looked back. Tyler was not only my trusted adviser and strategist, but also a friend, mentor, and coach who provided motivation and structure, keeping me on track during the admissions process. I can truly say that I looked forward to my meetings with Tyler each and every week.

The MBA admissions game is often tricky, but Tyler is a seasoned expert who helped me unleash my potential and develop my branded story. Tyler ensured that my story was kept consistent throughout my application package, across my resume, essays, letters of recommendation, interviews, etc. If anyone is in doubt of having a unique story to tell, Tyler get's to know his clients so well and discovers each person's differentiating factors and brand identity that MBA admissions are seeking.

Tyler's background is ideal for admissions consulting as he has an MBA from Harvard + a degree in creative writing. I refer Tyler to all my friends who are seeking MBA admissions consulting.

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July 01, 2015

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Helped me reach my goals!

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I begin my MBA this fall at the right school for me, and I have Tyler Cormney and Claudia Ruegg to thank for helping to get me there. What mattered most was maintaining my voice throughout the application, not becoming a cookie cutter applicant lost in the stack. I achieved that. Tyler and Claudia excel at digging deep to discover, build upon, and project your unique voice. I cannot say enough positive words about my experience working with them.

I contacted Tyler on the recommendation of a friend attending a top five B-School who had also used his services. Feeling that my application was weak, I had just made a frustrated decision to pull back my Round 1 submission. I knew working with Tyler and Claudia was the right move after our first conversation. Tyler laid out a straightforward path to meet Round 2 deadlines that covered every aspect of the application. I specifically liked his use of Asana as a collaboration tool. His Harvard MBA and Claudia’s Stanford MBA provided two unique perspectives. Tyler’s creative writing education helped tremendously in telling my story. Both Tyler and Claudia excelled at helping me identify strengths and link experiences to desired qualities. Claudia in particular made me feel as though I was talking to a longtime friend, allowing me to open up. The final product was a much higher quality than I could have produced myself.

Tyler and Claudia have no doubt helped me get closer to my goals. If you have any desire to strengthen your application, I urge you to give Tyler a call. You will certainly not regret it.

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June 02, 2015

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Master Strategist

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In light of my average GPA and a below-median GMAT score, my expectations were not high that I would be accepted into a top business school. Just to have a chance of acceptance, I needed an expert like Tyler Cormney who could help me craft my strengths, top accomplishments, and best leadership stories into a cohesive and compelling application. Tyler helped me sharpen my career goals, worked with me on the best essay strategy, advised me on how to get incredible results from my recommenders, and coached me through a mock interview. I say with complete confidence that if it hadn't been for Tyler, then I would have not been given a full scholarship to a top 5 ranked business school!!!!

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12 Older and Non-Verified Reviews for Tyler Cormney
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