March 29, 2024

Joined: Mar 29, 2024

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Verified GMAT Focus score:
685 Q87 V82 DI83

The Go-to Test Prep material


Improvement 20 Points

Course e-GMAT Online 360

Location Online


The platform has strong preparation material with extensive question database. More importantly, the sub tools such as PACE, Cementing and score report analysis are extremely useful tools for FT employees who would not have the time to go through each and every material or conduct a self analysis on the progress.

Would make the product better:

Nothing in particular

I have previously prepared for GMAT on my own and wasnt happy with my score. I sensed the need of a planned training with guidance to doubts. I opted for E-GMAT post analysis and it is an understatement to say that I am happy with the results. I started with preparing for Quant and Verbal for GMAT Classic. Quant has been my strength so there was no concern with it. Verbal was a nightmare for me and that was one reason why I have taken E-GMAT as it is known to help non-native speakers. For GMAT Focus, I had the added advantage that Critical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension were relatively my stronger sections in Verbal. But E-GMAT actually helped me bolster my preparation for these sections. Their Master Comprehension section trains you for these two sections and even for MSR in DI section. Finding the 4 incorrect options out of the 5 options is an effective strategy but E-GMAT's stress on Pre-Thinking is to help you reach to the right answer at faster pace.
Another place E-GMAT helped me particularly is the Bold Face questions in Critical Reasoning, I used to let go of Bold Face questions due to the time they used to consume. E-GMAT's strategy has been effective enough for me to get almost every Bold Face questions right after a point.
Finally, with all the information flowing around, DI has been a nightmare for me. In my first mock, I got a 77 in DI and I realised there is a long road up ahead. However, E-GMAT has ton of questions to practice and shares a couple of questions as templates that are extremely useful. With the right amount of practice, one can predict where is the question leading to after going through the templates and save those previous seconds.
Finally, I was able to achieve 685 and I am extremely happy with the result! Thanks to E-GMAT and especially their counsellor who has kept track of my practice and activities throughout the process.
Preparing alone is great but in case of doubt, it is good to get a training kit such as the ones provided by E-GMAT because it nearly narrows down your actions and makes this whole process much efficient!
I would once again like to thank E-GMAT for helping me with my MBA journey.

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