August 21, 2023

Joined: Mar 15, 2023

Posts: 26

Kudos: 10

Verified GMAT Classic score:
760 Q51 V42

730 to 760 - Unleashing Potential, Mastering Triumph


Improvement 30 Points

Course e-GMAT Online Focused

Location Online


- Scholaranium
- High-Quality Course Modules
- Amazing Mentors
- Video Solutions
- Sigma X Mocks

Would make the product better:

Most of the RC passages on the platform are very long. It will be good to have a healthy mix of short, medium and long passages

Hey there, folks! I just had to spill the beans about my eGMAT experience – it's been an absolute game-changer. So, picture this: I kicked off with a pretty decent 730 on my GMAT. But hey, why settle for "decent" when you can shoot for the stars, right? Thanks to eGMAT, I managed to skyrocket my score to a jaw-dropping 760. Let me give you the lowdown on how this all went down.

Alright, so I was already riding high with my starting score, and eGMAT hooked me up with their "Last Mile Push" Program. Fancy name, huh? Basically, it's all about taking you from good to crazy awesome. They paired me up with this rockstar mentor, Abha. She did this deep dive into my previous 730 attempt, sussed out where I was lagging, and then cooked up this super-tailored one-month study plan. Knowing that someone's got your back in this crazy GMAT journey? It's like a boost of confidence injected straight into your prep.

Here's the kicker – I was a bit of a champ in Quant, with a sweet Q50/51. So, all the spotlight was on Verbal. Critical Reasoning and Sentence Correction? Those were my pet projects. eGMAT's got this "Meaning Based Approach" for Sentence Correction that's like a secret weapon. It didn't just amp up my skills, but it gave me this structured roadmap to demolish any SC question in my path.

Oh, and don't even get me started on running out of official Verbal questions. Enter stage left: Scholaranium. This bad boy is like a treasure trove of high-quality practice questions. And they've got these genius video solutions from eGMAT pros – talk about a double whammy! Plus, there's this interactive Q&A thing where you can dive into other students' queries. It's like learning in a cool, communal space.

But wait, there's more! The eGMAT platform itself? It's like the James Bond of GMAT prep. Analytics galore! They've got these nifty insights that make your study journey feel like a well-oiled machine. And just when I was getting sweaty palms about running out of official mock exams, eGMAT introduced me to Sigma X mocks. These are like mock exams on steroids, with super detailed analysis to help you fix those weak spots.

Bottom line, my eGMAT ride has been like a rollercoaster of awesomeness. From 730 to 760 – can you believe it? Personalized guidance, Scholaranium, and eGMAT's fantastic platform – it's like they held my hand and walked me through the GMAT jungle. If you're thinking of taking the plunge, I'm waving the eGMAT flag like there's no tomorrow. Trust me, it's a total game-changer!

August 31, 2023

Dear shubhamg763,

Congratulations on your score of 760 with a perfect Q51 (97th percentile) and a remarkable V42 (96th percentile)! With this, you have become a part of the top 1 percent of test takers!

You maintained your diligence and perseverance through all Verbal subsections, allowing you to reach your GMAT score in a very predictable manner. You were consistent with your usage of the Scholaranium. The image below shows your statistics across three subsections in Verbal in hard questions. These statistics show the consistency through which you got that V42 (96th percentile).

Image Link -

Scoring a Q51 is also an accomplishment you should be proud of. Though you were already starting at a Q50/51 in Quant, you showed phenomenal consistency in all subsections of Quant. The below image shows your Quant statistics from Scholaranium which displays your hardwork –

Image Link -

You effectively used the Scholaranium analytics and improved your time management abilities with each mock, making your success on the GMAT exam predictable. It was only a matter of time before you could replicate the score in your GMAT exam. The image below shows your journey in the mocks to the exam –

Image Link –

I am sure that you will face every challenge thrown at you with the utmost determination and I wish you all the very best for your next steps!


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