August 21, 2012

Joined: May 28, 2012

Posts: 130

Kudos: 48

Self-reported Score:
710 Q43 V45
700 Q42 V42
760 Q48 V48

Good value, but didn't work great for me


Improvement 30 Points

Course Magoosh Premium

Location Online

Admittedly, I went into the GMAT prep process a little cocky. As a former SAT/ACT tutor who coasted to great scores on pre-college tests, I didn't feel I needed comprehensive prep, especially considering that I am strong in verbal (which held true on the real test). So I went with Magoosh due to the price and my enjoyment of the videos in the demo.

Turns out I did need comprehensive math prep, and I honestly didn’t get it from Magoosh. (Honest disclosure: I bought the premium program, but I mainly used the math so this review reflects that usage.)

There are some excellent aspects of the program. The practice questions are good and the answer screen that reviews each is phenomenal. There is a video breakdown, text breakdown and links to instructional videos relevant to that problem. It also is easy to create custom practice sections and target broad question categories.

My only issue with the practice questions is that I ran out of difficult questions fairly quickly, so as the test approached I had to look elsewhere (I used GMAT Club questions which came free with this).

The instructional videos, however, were a bit lacking. The tab to view them is called “lessons” but really it’s just a long list of videos loosely organized by overarching principles. There was really no progression to follow through the course, and my biggest gripe was that after you watched a video, there was no way to ensure you could try practice questions testing that topic. You really need to be the kind of learner who can watch videos at length and benefit.

Further the functionality of skipping forward through videos is poor. I would frequently click multiple places on the progress bar to land at exactly the same spot. They do load quickly though.

All things considered if you need a solid bank of practice questions with great reviews and a bit of direction of what to study, this is a good buy. If you need a comprehensive prep course or a lot of work in one subject, I would spend more elsewhere. I'm going to after the fact. It's a great value at $200 but you get what you pay for.

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